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ellectric meets SHIFT Mobility – witness the future of mobility, design and female empowerment

Last September, despite COVID, we got to put on our first ever ellectric sessions as part of the SHIFTx mixed reality event. In those two panels, titled “elle is driving a new perspective,” and “design is shaping the future of mobility,” we brought exciting female guests to the stage to discuss being a woman in the mobility and design space. Of course, we would have rather been able to see you there in person, but the event had a powerful impact.

This year – and now that things are back in full swing, our ellectric sessions will look a little different, starting with their scale. SHIFT Mobility will be taking place from September 1 to 6 entirely in person, with guests and participants able to experience curated convention and exhibition spaces. 

So, how does ellectric fit in? Well, because much like SHIFT, we at ellectric are fervent believers that we can create a better future of mobility, and are actively working to shape that future. 

This is why we’re very happy to announce that this year, we will be putting on two sessions at SHIFT, welcoming exciting players and guests in the mobility space to discuss all sorts of fascinating topics – and this time, you get to witness it all. This year’s sessions are still within the same themes – because it’s us after all… Our first session, catered towards bringing women on stage, is titled “Time to empower: female perspectives in mobility”, while our second session, which will be design oriented, is titled “ellectric presents new horizons in design, materials and entertainment.” 

We don’t want to reveal too much, but to sum it up: ellectric sessions will be a whirlwind of an experience. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of our sessions at SHIFT Mobility, whether as an audience member, brand or speaker. Email us at hello@weareellectric.com.

Tickets are on sale now.
Get the chance to win two free tickets in our newsletter giveaway by subscribing. 

Stay tuned for more information about our ellectric sessions.

Picture: ellectric