ILY-Ai – the three-wheeled electric scooter designed by Mikiya Kobayashi
ILY-Ai is a three-wheeled fully electric scooter developed by Tokyo-based designer Mikiya Kobayashi in collaboration with automotive supplier Aisin and leading Japanese wood-furniture manufacturer Karimoku. For now the scooter is just a concept model but they might commercialise it in the future. The three-wheeled scooter is specifically designed for people with reduced mobility like elders. ILY-Ai can be used outdoor as well as indoor but its main intention is to be used for bigger indoor spaces such as shopping centres. Speed is at 4 km/h. Even if it’s not that fast, safety always plays an important role. The electric scooter is equipped with a safety sensor in case of any barriers, the scooter automatically brakes. ILY-Ai is encased in chestnut wood, giving the scooter an elegant and natural look.

Pictures: Yosuke Owashi
Text: Britta Reineke