BMW Designworks with Martina Starke on stage in our ellectric session at SHIFT Mobility
Earlier this month we revealed our ellectric sessions taking place at SHIFT Mobility on September 2 in Berlin. As it’s only less than two weeks to go, we now would like to present you our inspiring partners and speakers of our session “ellectric presents new horizons in design, materials and entertainment”.
Designworks, a BMW Group Company
As design places a vital role at ellectric, of course we have to put a spotlight on this topic. It couldn’t fit better than having Designworks as a partner on board. Designworks is the design innovation studio for the BMW Group operating worldwide with studios in Los Angeles, Shanghai and Munich. By working with clients from a wide range of industries, Designworks inspires the BMW Group with external perspectives and creative impulses. Designing holistic systems that impact and improve the world we live in is their approach. For already 25 years, Designworks has been stimulating the BMW Group as well as a select group of companies with ambitious visions for the future.
Martina Starke, Studio Director Munich, will be on stage with her impulse talk “The Architects of Future – Time to Move Better“.
Design is shaping mobility in all its facets and also the spaces between different mobility experiences – in short, areas that are characterised by a high degree of complexity and change. In this context change and safety are in a constant state of tension. "Dealing with Uncertainty" has become a core competency when it comes to designing the mobility of tomorrow. How does the team at Designworks cultivate this competence? New solutions also offer large-scale partnerships that bring industries together and inspire new thinking. The cooperation with one of the largest global architecture firms explores the question of how our cities and our interaction with cities can change when mobility and architecture go hand in hand. What if cars are understood as spaces, move into buildings and form new, emotional experiences together with the architecture?
Of course, we don't want to reveal too much yet. These are only a few of the many inspiring topics, Martina will be talking about.
On top of her impulse talk, Martina will be joining us in a panel titled “Design – The Ultimate Experience“, together with Enrico Moccia, Head of UX/UI Mobility Design from the Italian design forge Pininfarina. What role does design play for the future of mobility? How will UX design define the future of mobility? How is design driving the development of sustainable mobility systems and how will the future of mobility look like?
We can’t wait to learn more on September 2nd. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of our sessions at SHIFT Mobility. Tickets are on sale now. Get the chance to win two free tickets in our newsletter giveaway by subscribing.

One of Designworks projects was the BMW i Interaction EASE. At the CES 2020, Designworks together with BMW presented the BMW i Interaction EASE showcasing what the future might look like when cars drive themselves to a destination. It offers passengers new ways to interact with the car and its technology. Alongside verbal engagement with the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant, it integrates a new type of gesture control and gaze detector system that allows users to select the object they want to interact with, simply by fixing their eyes on it and follow up with a spoken word or gesture to initiate the interaction.
Pictures: Designworks
Text: Britta Reineke